Thursday 11 April 2013

Designs, Printers and Retail Therapy!

Long day today, but very productive. Finally got my products to the printers! Hooray. My new designs should be done over the weekend. So hopefully at the start of next week, they will be online to view. Excited and anxious at the same time. I hope you will all love them as I do. Please let me know, your feedback will be most appreciated.
OK I have a confession to make. I didn't spend the whole day at the printers. I ended up on a shopping trip to Lakeside Shopping Centre. Now, I like to call it market research myself. Scoping out the competition and looking for potential customers. Others may call it a excuse to buy more things for my daughter! I'll let you decide. I was surprisingly restrained and didn't buy anything at all. (I know, crazy!!!) But getting out and about was good for the soul. Well they do call it 'retail therapy'.

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